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Who Did Jesus Claim To Be?

Bible Study Index
Source: Prepared for home bible study, Ryan Kidd, 2001
Keywords: plurality, unity, trinity, deity of Christ, deity of the Spirit, redemption
Posted: JUN-23-01

Introduction: God teaches us some things which we can’t understand completely. Read Luke 9:12-17 and explain how five loaves could feed over 5000 people, and still leave 12 baskets leftover. The doctrine of God cannot be understood by human thoughts either. Romans 11:33-34

The God of the Bible is personal.
He thinks and plans: Ephesians 1:4; He acts: Genesis 1:1; and He feels: John 3:16

God is not an impersonal force, or an all-inclusive everything as some religions teach.

God is One: Deuteronomy 6:4; James 2:19;

God reveals himself in plurality: Genesis 1:26; Genesis 11:7;

God deals with man as three persons working in unity
Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; John 15:26; 1 Peter 1:2;

Jesus Christ the Saviour is God
Jesus has characteristics belonging to God only. He has the right to forgive sin: Matthew 9:2-7; He is present everywhere: Matthew 18:20; He is present throughout all time: Matthew 28:20; Jesus is the Word who made the world: John 1:1-3, 14,15; Jesus will judge all mankind: John 5:22; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Jesus uses the name of God (Exodus 3:14) for himself, and Jesus existed before Abraham, 2000 BC. John 8:58; Jesus was with the Father before the World began: John 17:5,26; Jesus is called God: Titus 2:13;

The Holy Spirit is God:
He is just as much a person as the Father and Jesus: Luke 12:10,12; He will testify about Jesus: John 15:26; The Spirit is a comforts and speaks: John 16:7-14; The Holy Spirit has the characteristics of a person: Acts 8:29; 13:2; 15:28; 16:6,7; The Spirit feels: Ephesians 4:30; The Holy Spirit guided men who wrote the Bible: 2 Peter 1:21; The Holy Spirit lives in each Christian and helps him to pray: Romans 8:11, 14, 26, 27.

Communication and love existed between the persons of God before creation: Genesis 1:26; John 17:24;

God’s work by all three persons is necessary for our Salvation: The Father loves the his people, Jesus bore sinners’ punishment, and the Holy Spirit works a new life into Christians. 2 Corinthians 13:14;

Because Jesus is God we can be sure that, after we take him as our Saviour, we will have a conscious continuity into the future when we go to heaven. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. He is God. Revelation 1:17,18;

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