LECTURE 2: War of the Worldviews – Introduction to
Presuppositionalism, by Michael Butler
Christian apologetics doesn’t come down to a war of arguing for the
evidence from supposed “common ground.” That is fundamentally
incorrect. The best method is to show the inconsistency of unbelief
from the perspective of the Bible. I hold many proponents of other
apologetic schools in high respect, but there is something deficient in
each of their systems. They all hold that the existence of God can be
proved. This is important and correct. We share their belief in using
evidences. But we hold that believers and unbelievers do not share
common ground in their ability to reason to truth from the facts. There
comes a time in apologetic engagement when we must discuss the
philosophy of the facts. Evidences are useful only once we have the
same philosophy of the facts. The Reformed epistemologists are to be
commended for not accepting the foundation of unbelieving thought.
Gordon Clark is almost as good as you can get in terms of presenting the
problems of unbelieving thought. But only Van Til’s presuppositionalism
offers a consistent, biblical, effective Christian apologetic. It takes
the biblical worldview for granted, and shows the irrationality of
unbelief. (Acts 17:16-34 is a demonstration of the presuppositional
system in action)
Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. We Christians are at war; we
are at war with the world. God cursed the seed of the serpent and said
that the woman’s seed of promise will be at war with those excluded from
the covenant blessings of God. We don’t use physical violence; we are
doing spiritual warfare. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the
demolishing of systems of unbelief. Our equipment given in the
Scripture is for warfare. Many churches have a deficient gospel
message: you’re fine as you are, add Jesus to your midst.
According to Christianity, the unbeliever’s life is not merely
incomplete. It is basically hostile to God. On the surface it appears
there is a great deal of shared belief between unbelievers and
Christians, so-called neutral ground. But the Bible doesn’t teach this.
Ephesians 4:17-19 says unbelievers are separated from the life of God.
In our natural state, we humans are very deficient; God must first
enlighten us so we can know what God is like. The thoughts of the
wicked are idolatrous. They are darkened in their understanding. Truth
is light. But unbelievers are darkened in their understandings due to
the hardening of their hearts. They are not stupid or deficient in
education. But they are hardened in their hearts. The reason is that
they are sinners; they have suppressed the truth; they are at war with
God. Many apologists believe you can convince the unbeliever by good
arguments. But the reason he won’t believe is not lack of education, it
is because the unbeliever is avoiding God - he hates God and the claims
God makes on his life.
Colossians 1:21: you were once enemies in your mind. Even the
unbeliever’s thoughts are hostile to God. 1 Corinthians 2:13,14 “These
things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which
the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But
the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for
they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned.” Unbelievers cannot understand spiritual things.
The truth of God is folly to them because of unbelief. Many unbelievers
do understand propositionally the truth of God quite well. However,
they may not understand in a saving way, because it doesn’t penetrate
their hearts.
The unbeliever is not neutral. He is hostile to God. You cannot
accept that the unbeliever as being able to reason to the truth. It is
not lack of education. Unbelief is a heart problem. Proverbs 1:7 says
the “fear of God brings wisdom.” Colossians 2:3,8: Paul is not saying
don’t study philosophy. He is saying don’t be fooled into unbelief by
it. The best way to avoid that is to diligently study the Word and to
understand unbelieving philosophy.
We are not saying unbelievers don’t know anything. They have true
knowledge but their knowledge is inconsistent with their claims of
unbelief. Romans 1:18-20 describes suppression of truth. The ball of
truth is trying to force its way to the surface, but the unbeliever
constantly battles to keep it under water. If unbelievers were
consistent then it would be doomsday. Unbelievers say animals have
equal dignity with humans, and babies should be killed before birth if
inconvenient; on their belief system, death and environmentalism is the
doom of the world. Fallen man does in principle seek to be a law unto
himself; however he doesn’t rebel to the fullest degree, therefore he
is able to make a positive contribution to society. He lives his life
in an inconsistent way. How do many people have knowledge? It is
because they are borrowing Christian epistemological capital. The
unbeliever is standing on the truths of God’s word in order to reason
against the truth of God. You cannot serve two masters. The attempt to
be neutral is immoral. Loyalty, to Christ is all pervasive. We must
not be neutral when reasoning with an unbeliever. Matt 28:18: all
authority is given to Christ. If all authority is given to Christ, then
everything including apologetics is under Christ. We must submit our
epistemology to Christ. The problem with unbelievers is that they want
to be their own authority. They won’t submit to a life of service to
God. If you say “use your reason to test God” you are granting the
unbeliever’s presupposition which is his basic problem. Unbelievers do
not have the right to call God into question. The basic problem with
man is that he has tried to be his own standard for good and evil.
The idea of weighing of evidence fairly doesn’t apply to apologetics
because the unbeliever is already hostile to God and bent upon
suppressing the truth. No one can be neutral. Both believer and
unbeliever will reason over the facts from the point of view of his
basic inclination toward God.
To illustrate, an unbeliever who believes in the resurrection isn’t
compelled to become a Christian. From a naturalistic viewpoint, this
event may merely be an unexplained fact of the scientific world. Facts
do not speak for themselves. You come to the evidence with a worldview.
A worldview is a network of presuppositions which are understood and
related, and in terms of which all experience is explained and related.
There are many conflicting unbelieving worldviews. There are worldviews
which deny that matter exists. The Christian view is that God has
always existed and that he spoke all reality. God defines: Reality -
metaphysics; existence - ontology; morality - ethics.
A presupposition is an elementary assumption in one’s reasoning. It is
used to interpret the world around you. The presupposition itself is
not tested by experience. It is a belief you hold to no matter what
happens. It cannot be given up easily. There is no evidence you could
give a person which would (easily) overturn his presuppositions.
My belief in the resurrection makes me interpret the world in the way I
do. Views can be proven true or faulty by their consistency. The
Christian set of presuppositions is necessary for living our lives.
The unbeliever has a different set of presuppositions. We are to think
God’s thoughts after him and we are certainly not to call God’s words
into question. So our apologetic system must begin with God’s self-
(Question from Audience: Explain naive realism – this theory says
sensory perception is reliable. The problem with this view is that
sometimes the things which appear aren’t as they are; more sophisticated
realists make necessary qualification about perceptions. The naïve
realism conflicts with the statement “there are no brute facts.”)