by Dr. Gary Parker (Lecture 8 of 10)
If you believe a frog turned into a prince that’s a fairy tale, but if you believe it took 300 thousand years,
that’s evolution. Evolution is an interesting story, but if you want to believe it as science you must be able
to show a series of fossils which demonstrate gradual change. Evolutionists have been searching for
evidence of a link between man (homo-sapiens) and apes for over 100 years.
Neanderthals were supposed to be ape-men. Their bodies were stooped over because they had a bone
disease, and there was a lack of vitamin D and iodine. Their art, belief in the afterlife, and brain volume,
all point to the conclusion that Neanderthals were advanced homo-sapiens, not ape-men. Evolutionary
belief that humans who look different are “sub-human” leads to racism and genocide.
Piltdown man was a deliberate hoax. It was used for over 40 years to convince school children that
evolution was scientific fact. But the filed teeth and 50 year old ape jaw bone proved it to be a fabrication.
How could so many scientists be fooled by it? People believe what they want to believe, without being
critical of the “facts.”
Java man was discovered by a scientist who went looking for the missing link. He found a skull cap and a
leg bone 50 feet apart in a gravel deposit. Bones in a gravel deposit could have been washed in from
anywhere, and the presence of human bones in the same gravel deposit prove that “Java man” was not an
ancestor of humans.
Peking man is based on some ape skulls that were found outside caves in China prior to World War II.
The skulls were all bashed in from the rear, and some tools were found near by. Contrary to
evolutionists, the most obvious conclusion is that some humans had boiled and eaten the monkey brains.
Nebraska man was based entirely upon a single tooth. The rest of the man was completely imagination.
Later it was discovered that the tooth was from a species of extinct pig.
Ramapithecus - this was considered to be the first upright walking ape. It was reconstructed as a walking
ape based merely on a jaw and teeth. More recent related evidence has shown that this is an ordinary ape.
A unique creature named Zinjanthropus was discovered by Dr. Louis Leakey. Again these ape bones were
assumed to be ape-men because tools were found near by. But after this discovery, regular human bones
were found in earth layers below the ape bones. Scientists now agree that these bones could not represent
human ancestors. See
Lucy - these bones were promoted as a pre-human ancestor. But the evidence shows that Lucy is just
species of chimpanzee. See
Richard Leakey has completed extensive research to prove that distinct human and ape skeletons can be
discovered as far back in the fossil record as is known. He is convinced that evolution is true, but he is
honest enough to admit that we do not yet have evidence to show a link between humans and apes.
The fossil evidence continues to contradict the theory of evolution. But it confirms what God says about
creation in the Bible. God made man, apes, and all other mammals in specific, specialized kinds
For a more recent article on ape-man finds see
Not another (yawn) ‘ape-man’
by Carl Wieland, 26 March, 2001