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Library Index
Date: Aug-2003
Posted: Aug-04-03

Personal Lending Library     416 497 9309

------- COLUMN LEGEND -------- CT - Category M - Media

F amily BY Biography H ardcover TH Theology EV Evangelism/Apologetics S oftcover E thics CM Civil Magistrate B ooklet CL Christian Living ED Education V ideo CR Critical Review only CE Creation - Evolution T ape --------------------------------

CT M Title Subject AuthLast AuthFirst

VIDEOS TH V The Last Days According to Je3 tapes Sproul RC EV V Choosing my Religion Truth, Pigs and the House of God Sproul RC E V One of the Boys Gay to Christian & Why Christians sRogers Sy EV V Terrorism and Persecution Hammond Peter EV V Three Days in Sudan Hammond Peter E V God's Law and Society 2 tapes Schlissel, Grant, Sproul,

TAPESS TH T Revival Haykin Michael TH T Revival Niel Hegaman

BIOGRAPHY BY S But Now I See The Life of John Newton Bull Josiah BY S Here I Stand, A Life Of Martin Luther Bainton Roland H. BY S George Muller Man of Faith & Miracles Miller Basil

CREATION - EVOLUTION CE B Creation or Chaos Modern Science and the Existence ofSproul RC CE B Where Did The 'Races' Come From Ham & Wieland& Batten

CHRISTIAN LIVING CL S Experiencing God How to Live the Full Adventure of KKing Claude V. CL S And the Word Came With Power How God Met & Changed A People ForeShetler Joanne CL S The Godly Man's Picture Waston Thomas CL H Sermons By The Devil Harris Rev. W.S. CL S The Practice Godliness Bridges Jerry CL S All of Grace The infinite love of God Spurgeon C.H. CL S Daily Help Spurgeon Charles CL B Healthy Christian Growth Ferguson Sinclair B. CL B Reading The Bible Thomas Geoffrey CL H Disciplines of A Godly Man Hughes R. Kent CL B How to Be Free From Bitterness Wilson Jim CL S The Micah Mandate Balancing the Christian Life Grant George CL S Mere Christianity Lewis C. S. CL S the Screwtape Letters A Devils's Diabolical Advice For thLewis C. S. CL S Your Bible and You Maxwell Arthur S. CL B The Heavenly Man Hunt David CL S How Should We Then Live The Rise and Decline of Western ThoSchaeffer Francis A. CL S Escape from Reason Schaeffer Francis A. CL S Christian Manifesto Schaeffer Francis A. CL S True Spirituality Schaeffer Francis A. CL S Romain's Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith Romaine William CL S Backward Christian Soldiers copy1 North Gary CL S Backward Christian Soldiers copy2 North Gary CL S Backward Christian Soldiers copy3 North Gary CL B Crisis Opportunity and The Christian Future Jordan James B.

CIVIL MAGISTRATE CM S Ruler of The Nations Biblical Principles for Government DeMar Gary CM S Honest Money Biblical Principles of Money and BaNorth Gary CM S Liberating Planet Earth An Introduction to Biblical BluePriNorth Gary CM S In the Shadow of Plenty Biblical Principles of Welfare and Grant George CM S Inherit the Earth Biblical Principles for Economics North Gary CM S Healer of The Nations Biblical Principles for InternationNorth Gary CM S God and Government Volume 1 A Biblical and Historical Study DeMar Gary CM S God and Government Volume 2 Issue in Biblical perspective DeMar Gary CM S God and Government Volume 3 The Restoration of the Republic DeMar Gary CM S The Law The Classic Blueprint for A Just SoBastiat Frederic CM S The Changing of The Guard Biblical Principles for Political AGrant George CM S Shooting Back right and duty of self-defense Charl Van Wyk CM S Canadian Shooters Rights, 199How to navigate Canada's Firearms lBurlew Edward L. CM S The Nature of the American System Rushdoony RJ CM S The Foundations of Social OrdStudies in the creeds and councils Rushdoony RJ CM S Trial and Error The ACLU and its impact on your famGrant George CM H Consipracy: a biblical view North Gary

ETHICS E S By This Standard, copy 1 God's Law Bahnsen Greg L. E S By This Standard, copy 2 God's Law Bahnsen Greg L. E S Medical Ethics Principles, Persons, and Problems Frame John E S Abortion: A Rational Look At Study Guide Sproul RC E B Does The Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? Alcorn Randy E S Playing God Dissecting Biomedical Ethics and MaSproul R. C., JR. E H Theonomy An Informed Response North Gary E S No other Standard, copy 1 Theonomy and Its Critics Bahnsen Greg L. E S No other Standard, copy 2 Theonomy and Its Critics Bahnsen Greg L. E S Hebrew Institutions: Social and Civil Shearer E H The Institutes of Biblical Law Rushdoony Rousas John E H Tools of Dominion The Case Laws of Exodus North Gary E S Productive Christians In An AA Biblical Response to Ronald J. SiChilton David E B The Biblical Offense of Racism Jones Douglas E B Southern Slavery Wilkins & Wilson E B Let Them Live A Christian Analysis and Response tMorgan Huw E S Homo-Sexuality A Biblical View Bahnsen Greg L. E S The Pink Agenda Sexual revolution in South Africa, Hammond Peter E S Competent to Counsel The theory and technique of NouthetAdams Jay E. E S Bread Upon the Waters Ethics, Theology, Economics - from Rushdoony Rusas J. E V Abortion: GAP Project and HarGenocide Awareness Project promotioCenter for Bioethical Refo E V God's Law and Society 10 part video series applying BibliAlliance for Reformation a

EDUCATION ED S The Children Trap Biblical Principles for Education Thoburn Robert ED B On Secular Education copy 1 Dabney - Edited for the Modern ReadWilson Douglas ED B On Secular Education copy 2 Dabney - Edited for the Modern ReadWilson Douglas ED B Classical Education The Home School Jones & Callihan& Wilson ED B Repairing the Ruins The Classical and Christian ChallenWilson Douglas ED S A Christian Philosophy of Education Clark Gordon H. ED S The Messianic Character of American Education Rushdoony John R

EVANGELISM EV S A Primer On Roman Catholicism Gerstner John EV S The New Age Movement Carrick John EV S The God of The Church Growth Movement Murphy Martin EV S The Regulative Principle of WIs it Biblical Smith Morton H. EV S Short Explanation and Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics Gunn Grover EV S Religions of The World Berry Gerald EV S Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse By Verse Reed David A. EV S The Reformation's Conflict WiWhy it Must Continue Sproul R. C. EV S Persuasions A Dream of Reason Meeting Unbelief Wilson Douglas EV S Always Ready Directions For Defending The faith Bahnsen Greg L. EV B Questions for Muslims That Need To Be Answered Kingsriter Del EV B A Pocket Guide To Christian Witness To Muslims EV B Spirit of Truth and Error: CuChart: Christianity vs. Mormon, JW, Unification, etc EV B Spirit of Truth and Error: ReChart: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, etc. EV S Why I am not Willing to Become a Christian? (Chinese) Xuede Fan EV B Reformed Evangelism Smith Morton H. EV S The Definition of ChristianitDistinguishing the Essence of the CLennox John EV S the Stranger on The Road to EA Clear and Simple Explanation of tCross John R. EV S the Stranger on The Road to EA Clear and Simple Explanation of tCross John R. EV S the Stranger on The Road to EA Clear and Simple Explanation of tCross John R. EV S the Stranger on The Road QuesA Clear and Simple Explanation of tCross John R. EV S the Stranger on The Road QuesA Clear and Simple Explanation of tCross John R. EV S The Case for Christ Evidence to Believe Jesus Lee Strobel EV B Angola, by the Back Door Team, Trip, Trouble and eventual TrBathman Bill EV S On Being a Missionary Hale Thomas EV S Sweet Persecution 30 day devotional with reflections Brother Andrew EV B The Christian at War Is God a pacifist? Hammond Peter EV S South Africa, Renaissance or Reformation Hammond Peter EV S The Greatest Century of Missicopy 1 Hammond Peter EV S The Greatest Century of Missicopy 2 Hammond Peter EV S The Doctor Comes to Lui A story of beginnings in The Sudan Fraser Eileen EV B Muslim Evangelism Workshop Desert tribes will bow down to Him Hammond Peter EV S Putting Feet to your Faith Hammond Peter EV S Holocaust in Rwanda roles of gun control, media manipulHammond Peter EV S In the Killing fields of Mozambique Hammond Peter EV S Going Through Even if the DooThrough the Iron Curtain in obedienBathman Bill EV B Mohammed's Believe It or Elsecomic book criticism of Koran Aziz Abdullah EV V Terrorism and Persecution Understanding Islamic Jihad Frontline Fellowship EV V 3 Days in Sudan A challenging look at the ongoing fFrontline Fellowship EV S God's Smuggler to China Expect the greatest things from GodBrother David EV B Objections Answered Study Guide to Video Series Sproul RC EV V Truth, Pigs and the House of Truth, Repentance, Restoration to GSproul RC

FAMILY F S To Train Up A Child Pearl & Michael F S Federal Husband Wilson Douglas F S The Mark of a Man Elliot Elisabeth F S Let Me Be a Woman Elliot Elisabeth F B Fidelity What is Means To Be a One Woman MaWilson Douglas F S The Fruit of Her Hands Respect and the Christian Woman Wilson Nancy F S Second Chance Biblical Principles of Divorce and Sutton Ray F S Reforming Marriage Wilson Douglas F S Christian Living in The Home Adams Jay E. F B Whom Shall I Marry? biblical principles Swanson Andrew F S Who Owns the Family? God or the State? Sutton Ray F S I Kissed Dating Goodbye Courtship, Marriage Harris Joshua F S Boy Meets Girl Courtship, Marriage Harris Joshua N S Burmesse Days Orwell George

THEOLOGY TH S NIV Study Bible, Zondervan coStudy Bible Bible TH S NIV Study Bible, Zondervan coStudy Bible Bible TH T NIV Bible on Cassette, 48 tapAudio Bible Bible TH T NIV NT on Cassette, copy 1 Audio New Testament Bible TH T NIV NT on Cassette, copy 2 Audio New Testament Bible TH B Jonathan Edwards and The Theology of Revival Carrick John TH B Spiritual Worship Alexander Archibald TH B The Regulative Principle And Singing In Worship Pribble Stephen TH S The Christ of The Covenants Robertson O. Palmer TH H Sermons From 1828 to 1860 Cunningham William TH B Infant Baptism What Christian Parents Should Know Sartelle John TH B The Law and The Saint Pink Arthur W. TH S Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Marshall Walter TH S Survey of the Bible A Treasury of Bible Information Hendriksen William TH B Basic Bible Studies Schaeffer Francis A. TH H The Deacons Handbook A Manual of Stewardship Berghoef Gerard TH B The Spirit of Grace and of Supplications Hamstra TH H Worship in the Presence of Goworship Lachman & Smith TH B Forbidden Alliances Gillespie George TH B Tithing Biblical Principles Pink Arthur W. TH S The Reformed Pastor Shepherding People Baxter Richard TH H The Christian Counselor's ManBiblical Answers to Life's problemsAdams Jay E. TH S Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire Spirit of God motivating life in thCymbala Jim TH S The Flaming Tongue Revival Orr J. Edwin TH S The Lord's Day Principles of the Christian SabbathPipa Joseph A. TH S The Doctrine of God Bavinck Herman TH S Westminster Confession, with theology TH B New International Version What today's Christian Need to KnowAnderson G.W. TH S Victory In Jesus The Bright Hope of PostmillennialisBahnsen Greg L. TH S Perilous Times A Study in Eschatological Evil Sproul R. C. TH S Elders in the Church Eyres Lawrence TH B A Postmillennial Primer God's Plan for Victory Sandlin Andrew TH B The Reign of the Righteous The theology of godly dominion Sandlin Andrew TH S 75 Bible Questions, your instHow to spot humanism in the classroNorth Gary TH S The Beast of Revelation Who is the beast and when was RevelGentry Kenneth TH S The Greatness of the Great CoWhat it means to disciple the natioGentry Kenneth TH B The Pursuit of God Tozer A.W. TH S The Flight from Humanity Rushdoony RJ TH S Infallibility: an inescapable concept Rushdoony RJ TH S The Necessity for Systematic Theology Rushdoony RJ TH S Unconditional Surrender God's Program for Victory Rushdoony RJ TH S The Reduction of ChristianityA Biblical Resonse to Dave Hunt Gary DeMar and Peter Leith TH S Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy Jordan James B. TH S Armageddon Now! Premillenarian Response to Russia aWilson Dwight TH S Unholy Spirits Occultism and New Age Humanism North Gary

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