Tips to Convenient and Cost-Effective Cell Phone Usage
Send a Free Text Message to a Rogers Cell Phone»
For a total of $115/year including taxes, you can keep an active cell phone
with Rogers Pay-as-you-go service. This involves purchasing $100 card which
expires in 365 days.
For very cheap/minimal cell service Rogers appears to be more cost
effective and feature laden than Telus and other providers in Toronto.
- with the 1cent plan, 8pm-8am weekdays, and the whole weekend are 1cent
per minute for local calls. long distance is 26cents per minute. business
hours are 39cents per minute.
- outgoing text messages are 15cents each, incoming are free.
- for convenience you can email a cell phone directly, but the recipient must
reply (15cents) to get the message. For Example,
- calls received from another pay-as-you-go rogers phone are FREE.
- unfortunately calls are rounded up to the nearest minute, so you pay two
minutes for a 61 second call.