Canadians should be free to obtain quality medical services from
clinics, specialists, and hospitals operating in parallel with the
government operated hospitals.
Biblical Considerations:
Moment by moment humans depend on the breath of life granted to them by
God. After the Fall, sickness and death are an enemy to be engaged. But
unlike humanists we do we know physical death is not the ultimate enemy.
Thus access to health care takes a subordinate role in the exercise
of Christian priorities.
As part of the gospel work, the
miraculous healing power from God has often intervened to reverse
pathologies of the body. However, healing is normally granted by God
through means, such as medicines and doctors. Therefore the mastery of medical science is a
worthy Christian pursuit, as a means by which we might advance the
healing power of the Lord Jesus, relieving suffering and extending the
length of human life.
Provision of medical care for the poor is a moral duty each
individual must fulfill. As we see in the example of the good
Samaritan, personal care and charity is the first avenue of response to
the physical needs of one sick or injured. Similarly, in the Mosaic law
and the NT letters we observe that the Christian community, through the
tithe, was to care for the needs of the poor and needy[REF1]. Personal,
gracious, voluntary ministry is to characterize the fundamental biblical
approach to meeting medical needs in society.
It is expected then that
the attempt by civil government to operate medical services outside its
God-ordained mandate (i.e., to punish evil doers, Rom 13) would fail
miserably. Administration of medical care is not a civil right to be guaranteed
by the Federal government. As Christians we ultimately aim to remove government
interference in the field of medical services and health care, restoring
the role of personal giving to meet the needs of the poor. In seeking
these ultimate reforms, incremental steps are necessary, and the
proposal following is one such step.
Whereas many medical conditions require prompt attention to facilitate
recovery and to save the life of the person;
Whereas it is a violation of one's Charter right to security of the
person to be subjected to a monopoly government operated medical system
which cannot provide life saving services in a timely, effective manner;
Whereas government operated medical services a) lack personal
patient-doctor accountability, b) lack efficient, free-market supply and
delivery of services, c) lack economic accountability to ensure
proportionality between services provided and the cost incurred;
Whereas "A Canadian government study recently found that only about half
of patients are treated in a timely manner."
Whereas a Canadian can obtain prompt, effective medical treatment for
his dog, but not for his child;
Whereas it is legal to obtain prompt, quality dental services from a
private provider, but not legal to obtain an operation to remove cancer
from a private surgeon;
Whereas it is not possible for some Canadian residents to travel abroad
(passport requirements) to obtain prompt, efficient, patient-oriented
medical services;
Whereas competition will provide an incentive for government operated
hospitals to be more progressive, efficient and effective in their
delivery of medical services;
Whereas the European Union allows citizens to select the best health care
provider to meet their needs from among other EU countries;
Whereas universal funding and bureaucratic government control lead to absurdities and inefficiencies;
Whereas thoughtful citizens would not trust the government to manage their personal finances, and for the same reason government bureaucracy is not capable of effectively managing the economics of health care;
Therefore, we would allow the establishment of privately funded and
privately operated medical centres, which would provide local delivery
of health recovery and life saving treatments, diagnosis and surgery
for patients who believe they are not being served adequately by the
government operated hospitals.
Private medical centres would have an option of being certified
by a government standards body or a private standards body for the purpose
of advertising the quality of their services to clients.
[REF1] - Deuteronomy 26; Luke 10;